

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship means respecting and sharing our resources as an expression of gratitude to God. It reminds us that we are the administrators, not the owners, of our assets. Christian stewardship can be identified by several meaningful characteristics, the most important is that it strengthens our relationship with God. It is a way of life, not a program that has a beginning and an end. Stewardship calls us to share a portion of our time, talent, and treasure so that the Good News of Jesus Christ may be shared with those who do not know Him. 

Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure

Many times in scripture we are reminded to be generous with our time, talent and treasure. We are called to take care of others, to share what we have, to return a portion of our gifts to God. We are reminded to do this with purity of intention and according to our means.

Guided by prayer, each Catholic makes a decision to live out the Christian life as a good steward. This decision is an intentional act intended to thank God for all of His blessings by returning to Him a portion of the time, the talent, and the treasure He has given us.

Once a year, each Catholic household should plan how the stewardship of time and talent will be a part of its lifestyle and how the stewardship of treasure will be a part of its budget. This plan is then lived throughout the year in a regular, consistent manner.

The stewardship plan includes a commitment to donate a set percentage of one's time, talent, and income to the Church and other charities.

All we possess is a gift from God. Everything we have is freely given for our own good. This is basic to our faith and is often repeated throughout Scripture. Just as basic and repeated is another truth: we should return a portion of those gifts (our time, talent and treasure) to God in gratitude for the abundant generosity we have received.

Stewardship of time involves the realization that no one "owns" time. Each of us is given only so much of it - planning a schedule that has time to work, rest, play, and pray is vital to our physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual beings. In our busy society, time is one of the most precious possessions we have. How we spend our time is perhaps the clearest indication of our progress in a life of Christian discipleship.

Each of us possess many talents. Stewardship of talent calls us to search out those talents, nurture them, and share them with others. Jesus' first and greatest commandment is "To love our God with our whole heart our whole soul and our whole mind." We do that by using our God-given talents for the benefit of others. Doing that brings us to His second greatest commandment, "To love our neighbor, as we love ourselves." Stewardship of talent shows us the way to a spiritual life, a oneness with God through reaching out to others.

Stewardship of Treasure. Our money and possessions (our treasure) are gifts from God that we are asked to care for and generously share. It is important to share our money and material possessions for a couple of reasons: because all the good things that God made (including money) are meant to be shared; and because each of us has a need to give. We need to give our money to individuals and families in need, to the Church, and to other worthwhile charitable organizations because giving money is good for the soul and because we need to return thanks to a loving God for our many blessings.

 We often hear the Biblical reference that tithing consists of 10% of our income. Certainly that is the ultimate goal and a wonderful one. Realistically, most of us start below that and keep trying to increase our giving little by little. All are encouraged to give proportionately to our income and our blessings, and to move up (and beyond) 10%. The most important point is to SET A GOAL and WORK TOWARDS IT.

Suggested stewardship formula for 10% treasure:

  • 5% to your local church
  • 1% to your diocese (for helping further the broader mission of the church and supporting causes the Bishop is called to support)
  • 4% to organizations and charities that God calls you to support

Five percent may seem like a large allocation to your local church. Remember, your parish is the nonprofit community that helps you carry out Christ's mission. Our church provides space, accommodations and support for worshiping, receiving sacraments, evangelizing, learning ministering and gathering in community. This all requires payment of the same ind of expenses the a home or business has - insurance, utilities, maintenance, etc. It requires paying for the expertise of those who teach, minister and run the day-to-day operations.

Online Giving: Convenient for You and Good for the Parish

Please consider using the Liturgical Publications-WE SHARE program. It's easy and convenient for you, plus it helps the parish better plans and budget when we can be assured of our income each month. If you enroll in online giving, contributions will be automatically deducted from your checking, savings, or your credit or debit card account. You will determine the amount, frequency, dates and funds for your donations. There is NO cost to you to participate in the program.

What are the benefits to me?

  • Allows you to plan your giving in the same way you budget your other financial commitments.
  • You no longer have to be concerned about catching up missed offertory donations when you miss a Mass because you are out of town, on vacation, ill, etc.
  • You can easily adjust where your gifts are used as well as the amount and timing of your automated contributions using a secure website.
  • You no longer need to write a check every week or remember to bring your envelopes.

How does it relate to use of the week envelopes?

  • You can opt to discontinue receiving your collection envelopes.

Do you want something to drop in the collection basket at Mass?

  • You will be able to print off a variety of receipts through the WE SHARE program that you can place in the collection basket during Mass.

How do I enroll?

  • Click here to get started today. If you have questions about the enrollment process, you may call the Parish Office during business hours at 765-647-5462.

Other donation opportunities.

You will also be able to make donations to all the Archdiocese supported second collections. As well, you will be able to make a memorial donation for Christmas and Easter Flowers, purchase a Mass Intention, Sign up for upcoming events and make memorial donations. 

Enroll Today
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